
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Turnip Tucker- 17 weeks

Apparently baby Zach likes Jason Mraz! I was listening to the song (remake) of "I melt with you" by Jason Mraz and Zach started moving around. It felt like there was a ball rolling in circles in my tummy! What an awesome feeling!

Here's the most recent pic of my baby bump (17 wks)-- quite a difference from the 10 week picture! :)

Weekly stats.....
Current estimated gestational age: 17 weeks, 1 day
Size of baby: Turnip
Next ultrasound: October 21st (20 weeks, 2 days)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Houston, we have a penis! (16 weeks)

Current estimated gestational age: 16 weeks, 2 days
Size of baby: Avocado
Baby's estimated weight: 6 ounces
Baby's heart rate: 154 bpm
Next ultrasound: October 21st (20 weeks)