
Friday, July 30, 2010

We've got a kidney bean! 8 weeks

Current estimated gestational age: 8 weeks, 3 days 

Size of baby: Kidney bean!

Next ultrasound: 12 weeks (around the time of my birthday!!  Aug. 24th is 12 weeks, my b-day is August 26th!)  What an awesome birthday present!!!

Sex of baby discovered: 10 weeks via urine (intelligender test)--- will test on August 10th!!!  can't wait.  we'll see how accurate the test is!

Estimated due date: March 8, 2011

Saturday, July 24, 2010

We've got a blueberry! 7 weeks

Current estimated gestational age: 7 weeks, 4 days 

Size of baby: Blueberry

Estimated due date: March 8, 2011

Thursday, July 15, 2010

2nd ultrasound- Houston- we have a heartbeat!!! :) 6 weeks

Hello family and friends!   Today was a very exciting day.  Eric, my mom, and I gathered excitedly in the ultrasound room and we all saw a heart beating.  The baby's heart beat was at 125, which is perfectly healthy (want it to be above 100).  I'm attaching pictures of our 2nd ultrasound.  Found out today I'm actually only 6 weeks and 2 days along.  I ovulated a week later than I thought I did, which is apparently very common.  So revised estimated stats....

Current estimated gestational age: 6 weeks, 2 days 

Size of baby:  Lentil  (still)

CRL (crown rump length): 0.65 cm

Estimated due date:  March 8, 2011


Katie, Eric, and the baby (lentil Tucker)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Our first ultrasound- 5 weeks

Had our first doctor's appointment today!  Everything went swell.  They drew 4 tubes of blood for all of the standard prenatal testing and did a pelvic exam (won't go into too many details on that).  I attached our first ultrasound.  You can't see much at this point.... you can see the amniotic sac and the yolk sac so far... that's about it.  I'm scheduled for another ultrasound a week from today.  Doc thinks we may be able to see more... and see the heartbeat at that point.  It's truly amazing.  

Current estimated gestational age (should know for sure in a couple of weeks): 5 weeks, 2 days

Current size comparison:  Sesame seed

Love you all!

~Katie and Eric  +1

Monday, July 5, 2010

6 weeks on Wednesday???

According to my calculations, I will be 6 weeks along this Wednesday, July 7th.  I have my first doctor's appointment and first ultrasound on Thursday, July 8th.  Our baby is the size of a lentil this week... I think.  More info to come....