Hello family and friends! Today was a very exciting day. Eric, my mom, and I gathered excitedly in the ultrasound room and we all saw a heart beating. The baby's heart beat was at 125, which is perfectly healthy (want it to be above 100). I'm attaching pictures of our 2nd ultrasound. Found out today I'm actually only 6 weeks and 2 days along. I ovulated a week later than I thought I did, which is apparently very common. So revised estimated stats....
Current estimated gestational age: 6 weeks, 2 days
Size of baby: Lentil (still)
CRL (crown rump length): 0.65 cm
Estimated due date: March 8, 2011
Katie, Eric, and the baby (lentil Tucker)
Hey, that's the day after Jeremy's birthday! He was March 7th 2000!!! Awww, our babies could have the same birthday. xoxoxo